Photo by Svetlana Vinogradova

Photo by Viktor Zander

Photo by Viktor Zander

Photo by Ingvar Wolf

Photo by Ingvar Wolf
ITaS'13: tap into the past, peek into the future
ISBN 978-5-901158-23-4
What is ITaS'13?
ITaS’13 is the 37th Conference and School on Information Technologies and Systems organized by the Council of Young Scientists of the Kharkevich Institute for Information Transmission Problems (IITP) together with the Scientific and Organizational Center STRADO and the Laboratory of Structural Methods of Data Analysis in Predictive Modeling of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (PreMoLab).
Back in 1966 the Institute, then under the aegis of the USSR Academy of Sciences, organized its first young scientists' conference, which became annual and took place thirty times until 1995. Then, after some hiatus, the tradition was resumed in 2007 when the conference was re-baptized with its current name, ITaS.
The ITaS series of conferences provides the young scientists of IITP and other leading research centers with an opportunity to meet, exchange their research experience, and discuss the current open problems in diverse areas related to information technologies.
Where does ITaS'13 take place?
We have chosen for ITaS’13 an unusual venue, the ancient university city of Königsberg (currently Kaliningrad).
The city’s seven bridges inspired Euler to write his foundational paper on graph theory. Bessel, Jacobi, Kirchhoff, Minkowski, Hilbert, whose names are familiar to every student of mathematics, physics, or engineering, all studied or worked here. The city witnessed the origin of whole areas of number theory, functional analysis, optimization, and mathematical foundations of special relativity.
The city’s university tradition, accumulated over the 400 years of existence of the Königsberg University (Universitas Albertina), is now maintained by the partner of ITaS’13, the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Universitas Kantiana).
How does ITaS'13 work?
The ITaS’13 conference and school itself is a kind of Universitas comprised with topical seminars on the IITP principal research areas:
- Seminarium mathematicum et explorationis datorum, or Mathematics and data analysis;
- Seminarium protectionis informatiae, or Coding theory and its applications;
- Seminarium technologiarum retium, or Networking and protocols;
- Seminarium operis informationis in vivo, or Biology and bioinformatics;
- Seminarium linguisticum, or Computational linguistics
Apart from these seminaria, and again for the first time in the history of ITaS, we hold a tutorial (doctrinae) on a hot topic of current research.
The ITaS tradition of gathering all participants in lecturae plenariae of world renowned researchers from Russia and abroad is certainly maintained.
And at the end of the conference, when the separate seminaria are concluded, all scholari and magistri gather in corpore for a symposium in the ancient meaning of the word.
The legacy ITaS'13 have left
The proceedings submissions selected for the conference are included into an ISBN numbered volume.
The authors of the best submissions are invited to contribute an extended version of their work to the special issue of Automation and Remote Control, a Russian journal translated into English and published by Springer.
Getting in contact
For all additional information please write at itas@iitp.ru and be sure to follow our RSS feed and the Facebook group.
Gaudeamus igitur!