Information Technology and Systems - 2013
Conference for Young Scientists and Engineers 
September, 1-6, Kaliningrad, Russia

Russian | English
















Important Dates

Paper submission due

April, 15
(hard deadline)

Notification of acceptance
May, 27

Camera-ready due
June, 10









Show all abstracts

Gabor Lugosi (Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain)
Concentration inequalities in learning theory (tutorial)
Big Marquee. Monday, September 2, 11:30 - 13:00

Concentration inequalities estimate deviations of functions of independent random variables from their expectation. Such inequalities have countless applications and they play a fundamental role in the analysis of learning algorithms and statistical procedures. In these lectures we present some of the basic ideas and some useful inequalities. We discuss in detail the so-called "entropy method" for deriving general concentration inequalities. We discuss applications to empirical processes and learning theory.

Yuri Apresyan (IITP RAS)
Semantic projection rules
Big Marquee. Tuesday, September 3, 14:30 - 15:30

Compositionality principle: the meaning of a sentence is a function of the word senses and the way the words are syntactically linked with each other within it.
Reformulation of the compositionality principle necessitated by the fact that meanings in a natural language are expressed not only by words but also by other language units, such as grammatical forms and prosody.
Trivial and non-trivial meaning interaction. An example of non-trivial meaning interaction (McCawley 1968): John almost killed him.
General and lexically bound (dictionary) rules of meaning interaction. A sample dictionary rule for dolzhen ‘must’ as distinct from its synonyms objazan ‘obliged’ and sleduet ? ‘should’:

  • Vy ne dolzhny khodit’ na aeto sobranie = a) ‘You are not allowed to attend this meeting’, b) ‘You are allowed not to attend this meeting’;
  • Vy ne objazany khodit’ na aeto sobranie = ‘You are under no obligation to attend this meeting’;
  • Vam ne sleduet khodit’ na aeto sobranie ? ‘You are not allowed to attend this meeting’.
Dictionary rules of lexical meaning interaction. Dictionary rules of interaction between lexical and grammatical meanings.

Nikita Vvedenskaya (IITP RAS)
A scaled market process and nonlinear differential equations
Big Marquee. Thursday, September 5, 17:00 - 18:30

We consider a caricature of buy and sell process where the price depends on supply and demand. The scaling of this model brings an initial-boundary value problem to nonlinear di?erential equations, in particular to quasi-linear equations. The existence and uniqueness of solution to di?erential equations are essential for the description of initial market problem.

Viktor Zyablov (IITP RAS)
State of the art and prospects of coding theory vs requirements of the coming generations of telecommunication systems
Big Marquee. Thursday, September 5, 15:30 - 16:30

We consider three trends of development of the modern telecommunication systems: optical fiber communications, microwave transmission between radio relay towers, and protection of telecommunication systems against electronic warfare.

Oleg Musin (IITP RAS and University of Texas in Brownsville)
Optimal Packings of Circles on Spheres and Flat Tori
Big Marquee. Wednesday, September 4, 15:30 - 16:30

We consider packings of congruent N circles on spheres (the Tammes problem) and flat square tori. Toroidal packings are interesting due to a practical reason - the problem of super resolution of images. We classified ed all locally optimal spherical arrangements up to N=11. For packings on tori we have found optimal arrangements for N = 6, 7 and 8. Surprisingly, for the case N=7 there are three different optimal arrangements. Our proofs are based on computer enumerations of spherical and toroidal irreducible contact graphs. This is joint work with Alexey Tarasov (spheres) and Anton Nikitenko (tori).

Alexander Nazin (ICS RAS)
Randomized strategies of a multi-armed bandit based on mirror descent method
Big Marquee. Wednesday, September 4, 14:30 - 15:30

We consider the problem of a multi-armed bandit and present an optimization approach based on mirror descent. Lower and upper bounds for the difference between the mean and the minimal losses are given for a broad class of problems

Pavel Pevzner (University of California, San Diego)
From Biological Problems to Combinatorial Algorithms (and back)
Big Marquee. Tuesday, September 3, 15:30 - 16:30

An important question in genome evolution is whether there exist fragile regions?(rearrangement hotspots) where chromosomal rearrangements are happening over and over again. We demonstrate that fragile regions are subject to a ?''birth and death'' process, implying that fragility has limited evolutionary lifespan.? This finding implies that fragile regions migrate to different locations in different mammals, explaining why there exists relatively few chromosomal breakpoints shared between distant branches of the evolutionary tree.? The birth and death of fragile regions phenomenon reinforces the hypothesis that rearrangements are promoted ?by matching segmental duplications and suggests putative locations of the currently active fragile regions in the human genome.
This is a joint work with Max Alekseyev at University of South Carolina.

Ivan Pigarev (IITP RAS)
A study of sleep and organization of cerebral cortex
Big Marquee. Tuesday, September 3, 10:15 - 11:00

Until recently, different areas of cerebral cortex were considered as specialized structures set up to analyze specific modalities of sensory information, such as visual, audial, somatosensory, etc. However, current studies of cortical neuron activity in the sleep/wake cycle show that, during sleep, same group of neurons located in same sensory areas switch to analysis of different visceral system of the body. Thus, e.g., neurons of visual cortex become sensitive to electrical stimulation of the intestine or the stomach, or start to mirror the natural mio-electric activity of these organs. Neurons of other cortical areas may become reactive to the activity of heart or to breathing during particular periods of sleep. After awaking, all such visceral responses disappear and the respective neurons fall back to their usual duty of processing signals from the outer world.
These results suggest to rethink the familiar picture of how the brain is organized, in which the cortex forms the material substrate of consciousness. Indeed, consciousness is absent during the sleep periods, while cortical neurons continue to work actively attending to the visceral demands of the body. Moreover, the anatomical organization of the cortex does not provide for associative capabilities characteristic for conscious brain activity. We suggest that the possible substrate of consciousness is formed by the basal ganglia. This conjecture is in agreement with the experimental data on basal ganglia activity in the sleep/wake cycle.

Galina Rozhkova (IITP RAS)
A modern view on paradoxes in binocular perception
Big Marquee. Tuesday, September 3, 9:30 - 10:15

Visually-guided behavior can be hampered, as well as facilitated, by the difference of the images observed with the right and the left eye. This duality is clearly manifested in such actions as aiming and grasping. Correspondingly, the theories of binocular vision include both the concept of temporary blocking one of the two visual inputs to the brain and the concept of a useful combination of the signals provided by the two eyes.
When the mechanisms of binocular perception are studied experimentally under dichoptic viewing conditions, the researcher is often confronted with seemingly paradoxical effects, such as an illusory disintegration of the perceived objects, surrealistic combinations of their fragments, phantom images, inversion of the mutual positions of the visual stimuli, or continuous change in a perceived image of a stationary scene. These paradoxes are known to affect a wide range of visual properties including brightness, colour, shape, direction, and depth.
For a long time, even the simplest of these phenomena defied explanation, because it was poorly understood how the brain processes signals transmitted by the two eyes. However, most of these paradoxes are being resolved now due to dramatic progress in our appreciation of the sophisticated structure and functional organization of the human binocular visual system, with its parallel pathways where various channels of information transmission and processing are engaged in co-operative as well as competitive relationships at several levels.

Harold Somers (University of Manchester)
Machine Translation and the impact of its free availability on the internet
Big Marquee. Thursday, September 5, 14:30 - 15:30

The talk will briefly explain how MT works focussing on why translation is still difficult for a computer and therefore why translations are often imperfect. We will then look at the history of MT's availability as a free service on the internet, and discuss some of the consequences of that. In particular we will look at its use by language learners (particularly at high school level), and by members of the general public with little understanding of language and translation, and conclude with the need for better understanding of what MT is and isn't good for.

Imre Cziszar (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Dobrushin Prize, 2013
Information Theoretic Security
Auditorium Maximum (BFU). Monday, September 2, 14:00 - 15:00

To be announced.

Dmitry Chudakov (IBC RAN)
NGS-analysis of human T cell receptor and antibody diversity
Auditorium Maximum (BFU). Monday, September 2, 15:00 - 16:00

Adaptive immune system of each individual is represented by tens of millions variants of T and B lymphocytes, carrying unique molecules of T cell receptors and antibodies, respectively. That is their huge diversity that allows immune system to match specific antigen-specific receptors and to provide efficient immune response against almost any new infection or tumor, with which the organism has never met before. Expanded antigen-specific cells, after eliminating the disease, may then persist for many years as memory cells, and thus they can be in principle used to track the individual history of infections, vaccinations, and possibly autoimmune and anti-tumor responses of immune system.
Modern Next generation sequencing (NGS) techniques are capable of reading millions of short DNA fragments, and thus allow deep analysis of individual diversity of antibodies and T cell receptors repertoires. However, accurate and quantitative analysis only becomes possible with the use of advanced molecular technologies for antibodies and T cell receptors gene library preparation, and specialized software solutions, which together allow to minimize quantitative biases, to normalize input bottlenecks, and to correct efficiently the PCR and sequencing errors.
Properly designed experimental pipelines provide unprecedented accuracy and depth of analysis. It becomes possible to track in detail the changes in the structure of immune repertoires after an immunosuppressive therapy, irradiation, with aging, due to chronic infections and autoimmune diseases, to compare repertoires for the related versus unrelated donors, in distinct functional lymphocyte subsets. In general, modern technologies take our ability to analyze and understand adaptive immunity to a new level.